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A Chance To Obey

This past Thursday and Friday night we were invited to go to Ngaparou where one of the missions has a beach house that is used for conferences but when no conferences are happening the missionaries can use it. We had a great time while we were there with the other missionaries. Today I went down to the beach to do my devotions and while I was there I saw a large group of kids who had been hanging out by our place just kind of watching us and playing around on the beach. As I sat there I thought "it would be really neat to share the gospel with these kids" but I am not really great at just walking up and talking to a bunch of people (especially if I can barely speak the language). Then I had the thought that it would be cool to just read my Bible to these kids. But again I decided that since the Bible was in English that just wasn't going to happen. After a few minutes I started talking to one of the little boys asking his name. Soon I had a group of kids all around and we were all asking each others names. I then asked if they knew what the Bible was. Some said yes but I still explained that it was the Word of God and talked a little about that. Then one of them just came right out and said will you read to us in English. I said "yes, of course." This is part where I realized that the thought I had earlier about reading to these boys and sharing the gospel was absolutely from God and that He was opening the door right then for me to do those things. I started reading and they sat and listened. A few were talking but the others told them to be quiet. After I was done they all smiled and I explained what I had just read. Then I told them about Jesus and told them that God loves them and that Jesus came and lived here and died for them. One boy was not impressed but the others listened and I believe probably understood what was happening. Then after a few more questions from them I asked I could pray for them and they yes, except for the one little boy, so I prayed. What an amazing experience it is to share God's love. It is really cool what He will do if I obey Him.