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Spring Is Near

As anyone who tries to keep up with this blog knows it is not very easy for me to remember to update it. I try and try but then something gets in the way. I think tomorrow is going to be the new day that will really make a difference and I will get this done. It isn't that I don't think about it or have things to say. I just get distracted or busy and I forget. So now it is almost spring and the last you heard from me it was just turning winter. This all got me thinking about how similar this can be to my (and probably your) walk with God. We are well aware of it. We think of things to say and do with Him but at the end of every day we think "Oh, shoot. I really meant to..." But just like whatever few readers I still have out there He is anxiously awaiting to hear from me. It is so easy to put things off sometimes because you know that you can always do it later. But where is that passion that I had when I first starting this blog? I love the way that The Message says this about Caleb:

"But my servant Caleb—this is a different story. He has a different spirit; he follows me passionately. I'll bring him into the land that he scouted and his children will inherit it.

Spring is time of renewal. I am not going to make any more promises about keeping up with this blog weekly. I will update it as I think about it and I will try to think of it often. What I can say is that I will strive to reach that passion of Caleb. I want to be part of a "different story." I want that "different spirit" that follows passionately.

Spring is near. It's time for change.